Tuesday 19 August 2014

Milk blister


A milk blister

Pernah tak ketika kawan2 menyusu, tiba2 rasa sakit pada nipple korang ?? n kemudiannya bila check2 tengok2 ada benda putih macam ni kat nipple ?? contoh : seperti gambar di bawah :

credit to google

Untuk pengetahuan kawan2 semua, itu namanya "milk blister" atau "tunas putih"(merujuk di forum MBFPC) di atas puting...Untuk lebih terperinci lagi, di sini ayu ada sertakan artikel Apakah itu Milk Blister menurut daripada mereka yang lebih pakar.

Source : Kellymom

A milk blister, or blocked nipple pore, is also called a bleb or nipple blister, or simply milk under the skin." It occurs when a tiny bit of skin overgrows a milk duct opening and milk backs up behind it. A milk blister usually shows up as a painful white, clear or yellow dot on the nipple or areola (see photo), and the pain tends to be focused at that spot and just behind it. If you compress the breast so that milk is forced down the ducts, the blister will typically bulge outward. Milk blisters can be persistent and very painful during feeding, and may remain for several days or weeks and then spontaneously heal when the skin peels away from the affected area.

Hasil pembacaan, antara salah satu sebab punca berlakunya Milk Blister ini ialah thrush (seriawan) dan juga sebab2 yang lain kawan2 boleh baca full detail melalui sumber di atas.. Masa berpantang dulu pernah juga alami prob ini...nasib baik mak Maz kata biarkan dan jangan dipicit. So Maz biarkan ja.Kalau menurut sumber dari Kellymom plak, antara treatment yang boleh diaplikasikan ialah :

Recommended treatment for a milk blister usually consists of four steps: apply moist heat prior to nursing, clear the skin from the milk duct, nurse or pump with a hospital-grade pump, than follow up with medication to aid healing. You may need to repeat this for several days (or longer) until the plugged duct opening stays clear. Following are more detailed suggestions.

1. Apply moist heat to soften the blister prior to nursing. Several times per day, add a saline soak prior to applying the moist heat.

An epsom-salt soak before breastfeeding helps to open the milk duct opening and also aids in healing. Use a solution of epsom salt -- 2 teaspoons to 1 cup water. The epsom salt is first dissolved in a small amount of very hot water, then further water is added to cool it down enough to soak in. Try to add this epsom-salt soak to your routine at least 4 times per day..

Prior to nursing (and directly after the epsom-salt soak) place an extremely hot wet compress on the milk blister immediately before nursing or pumping. Be careful not to burn yourself. A cotton ball soaked with olive oil can be used to soften the skin instead of the wet compress.

2. Clear the skin from the milk duct.

This may not be necessary, as the combination of the heat and nursing/pumping should cause the skin to expand and the blister to open. However, it can be helpful to do one of the following at least once per day until skin no longer grows over the duct.

Rub the blister area with a moist wash cloth.

If a plug is protruding from the nipple, you can gently pull on it with clean fingers.

Loosen an edge of the blister by gently scraping with your fingernail.

If the above methods do not work, a sterile needle may also be used to open the blister. To minimize the risk for infection, ask your health care provider to do this (do not do this on your own). There is a much greater risk of infection if you do it yourself. First, wash the area well with soap and water; pat dry. Use a sterile needle to lift the skin at the edge of the blister. If a sterile needle is not available, sterilize needle with an autoclave or commercial sterilizing solution, by holding in a match flame until red hot (cool before using), or by soaking 10-15 minutes in rubbing alcohol. Use a lifting action, at the edge of the bleb, rather than a piercing action. Don't push into the blister as it can push bacteria deeper into the nipple. If there is any loose blister-like skin, your health care provider may need to remove that also, using sterile tweezers and small sharp scissors to entirely remove the excess skin. Follow up with a soap and water wash (and be sure to use an antibiotic ointment after nursing). See Healing broken skin in the nipple area.

3. Nurse or pump with a hospital-grade pump. Nurse first on the breast with the milk blister, directly after applying heat.

Before you nurse, it can be helpful to use breast compression and attempt tohand express back behind and down toward the nipple to release any thickened milk that has backed up in the duct. Sometimes clumps or strings of hardened milk (often of a toothpaste consistency) can be expressed from this duct.

4. Treat the milk blister after nursing to aid healing.

Additional treatment for recurring milk blisters

Lecithin supplements can help to heal and prevent recurrent plugged ducts

Massaging the breast, areola and nipple with a massage oil containing grapefruit seed extract (GSE) can help to heal recurrent milk blisters. To make the massage oil: mix a few drops of grapefruit seed extract or citrus seed extract into olive oil.

Another treatment for persistent milk blisters: Once per day, spray breast and nipple area with a solution consisting of 5 drops of grapefruit seed extract, 1/4 cup vinegar, and 2 cups water.

Vitamin E ointment - applied very sparingly and wiped off before feedings (too much vitamin E can be toxic to baby) - can also help.

Further suggestions for healing

Some suggest that you continue with a daily saline soak and brisk rub with a washcloth for a couple of weeks after the bleb resolves, to prevent recurrence.

call your doctor if any of the following occurs: fever, inflammation (redness), swelling, oozing, pus, etc.

Between feedings, you can use ice packs and/or pain relievers (such as ibuprofen or tylenol) to relieve discomfort. Wearing breast shells, which will relieve the pressure from clothing, can also help with the pain and possibly aid healing.

Don't forget to treat the underlying cause (if you know it) of the milk blister -oversupplyyeastpressure on an area of the breast, etc.


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