Wednesday 2 July 2014

My precious birthday gift

11 January 2014 is the date to be remembered. The day My Precious girl was born. Sharing same birthday month with me. Thought she was going to pop out same date as be but turn out to be 9 days after. Anyway she is having same date as her father. Being a mum is not easy. Multitasking and i found out that im more sensitive now probably due to my prolactin hormone i suppose.. Haha. Having the aame month Nur Hannah Sufiya is the bestest birthday gift i ever had besides the versace perfume and I phone 5 s given by my husband. Oohh ya i still receive birthday presents drom my parents ya..

This year is another new chapter with appearance of my girl. I love loads sayang. Insyallah i will try my best to be with you mostt of the time. Coming back late is tiring but looking at herbfaces and cute gestures washing away all the tiredness..


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